Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I have been pretty busy lately with school work and having to drive 30 minutes to Brookwood High School for my clinical experiences. Tomorrow will be my last day of driving. I have not been able to take any pictures recently. However I managed to do a few paintings on Sunday night and Monday morning. I'll try to post pictures of the paintings I did tomorrow.

I recently made my first large photography purchase. I received my set of 23 filters. I am so excited about getting to use them. Hopefully, I will have some pictures up soon showing the capabilities of the new purchase. :)

I'm hoping to have a photo shoot with Josh and Bonnie within the next few weeks. I also plan on having a photo shoot with Faith and Billy.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

we'll see...

Here goes. My first blog post. I am studying to be a high school math teacher. In addition to becoming a teacher, I would love to be a photographer. I don't want to be a big time professional photographer. But I would love to do photo shoots for people I am close to such as engagement pictures, baby pictures, children pictures, and family pictures. Aside from enjoy photographing families and future families, I love photographing God's beautiful creation. There is nothing more breath-taking than simple yet amazing scenes God has painted for us. His creation is everywhere, and His love is evident in all of our lives.

My brother gave me the idea of posting some of my nature shots online and seeing if anyone would be interested in purchasing them. He told me that previously he has searched online stores such as eBay to find unique pictures of nature. He told me that I might find this little business to be quite profitable on the side.

I'm going to post a few shots of pictures that I have already taken. I hope you like them. The first few are nature shots, and the ones following are shots I have taken for friends. Let me know what you think. :)

Here are a few pictures I took for my friends. I played around with them on photoshop a little. I had a great time taking these pictures for them.

Here are pictures of Brett's Neice and Nephew. (a little Father's Day photo shoot)

And here is my beautiful niece, Kate!

Well...hope you liked my pictures. I'd love to hear any comments on my pictures or ideas. I probably won't be blogging for a little while because I'm not taking pictures for people all the time. :)